Herod's Banquet 1452-65

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Man of Sorrows

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The Saint's Funeral 1460

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Annunciation I

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St Jerome and the Lion

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Self Portrait

Fra Filippo Lippi

(1406 - October 8, 1469)

Fra Filippo Lippi (1406 - October 8, 1469), also called Lippo Lippi, was an Italian painter of the Italian Quattrocento (15th century) school.

Lippi was born in Florence to Tommaso, a butcher. Both his parents died when he was still a child. Mona Lapaccia, his aunt, took charge of the boy. In 1420 he was registered in the community of the Carmelite friars of the Carmine in Florence, where remained until 1432, taking the Carmelite vows in 1421 when he was sixteen.

In his Lives of the Artists, Vasari says: "Instead of studying, he spent all his time scrawling pictures on his own books and those of others," The prior decided to give him the opportunity to learn painting. Eventually Fra Filippo quit the monastery, but it appears he was not released from his vows; in a letter dated 1439 he describes himself as the poorest friar of Florence, charged with the maintenance of six marriageable nieces.

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